
Biography superadmin 4 de October de 2023


My vocation, and practically the engine of my life, are relationships, either with others, with life, or with myself. It is my research laboratory, where I am moved by topics such as what it is to love, what the truth is, etc. From this arises curiosity and respect for life, as it presents itself.

That is why my therapeutic work arises from an interest in the other, even when this other does not recognize or denies himself. My specialty is relationships, with the partner, with friends, family, memories, expectations, fears… We take care of them through the relationship we establish between you and me, in the therapeutic space. That’s what it’s all about, learning to relate, by relating. Of learning to love, loving. Of learning to think, thinking.

I was born in Tortosa on October 24, 1975. The particular circumstances that accompanied my human development generated in me a neurosis dedicated to trampling through my life without contemplation (emotional dependence, bulimia, personality disorders, suicidal ideation , etc.). Pretending to relate all the emotional suffering experienced would be in vain, because you have to live it to believe it. This convinced me that such distress, which works from the shadows, leaving you alone and helpless, must be firmly combated, whether in my case or in anyone’s.

My training began to learn to express everything I felt through art. For 6 years I studied until I graduated in applied arts. But I realized that painting a picture wasn’t enough for me, because what I thought of, I thought of inside, and the picture was outside. I should then enter the picture. And I tried to do it, framed by a stage, creating a musical and performance group. It was already a living painting. But the spring he was looking for was still not there.

Until I met my teacher for a long time, doctor of philosophy and analytical psychologist, Enrique Eskenazi, in a Tarot training. It dealt with symbols that represented dynamics (motherhood, heroism, old age, etc.) that were not limited to mere representations, but were outside and inside, enveloping us completely. This is where I came into contact with Carl G. Jung’s notion of the psychic soul: The living thought, thinking of itself all the time.

With this reflection, I could see myself narrowing down everything I was looking at to quotes that I emotionally identified with. An insatiable craving for control: In the name of love, being loving didn’t matter. The loss of innocence (the longing to be pure), was the finding of humility. The thicket of the walls that “protected” me, became the ground on which to stand up and exclaim: This life is mine.

At the same time, my academic education has focused, first on the social field (integration and mediation), and then on deepening in analytical psychology, and training in clinical psychology (UOC). In 2012, I founded the GAEDE Association for people with symptoms of emotional dependence, with which we made this pathology visible in the Parliament of Catalonia. It was a time of many talks, workshops in institutes, organizing therapy groups, writing books, etc. Until I finally came up with a way to face the most difficult case I’ve ever dealt with: my own. It happened in the context of serious and committed analytic therapy, and it allowed me to be born to myself. It is precisely to offer this service, which I have dedicated myself to since then.