Therapy specialized in suffering in emotional relationships

Therapy specialized in suffering in emotional relationships

Yes, having satisfying relationships is possible. Not only in our relationships with others (family, partner, friends, bosses, etc.), but also with ourselves and with life. There are pathological patterns that persistently affect our affections: codependency or emotional dependence, addictions, neuroses, etc. Its foundation is a deep feeling of unworthiness, of feeling inadequate. That entails the desire to merge with those people we do consider suitable, even if this is a fallacy.

Confronting emotional dependence implies a profound change in oneself. It is a task that involves connecting with the joy of living. Although it may be scary for those who have never experienced it, in my long experience, I have not met anyone who has regretted taking this step.

Since the pandemic, there has been a change in the way we work. There was a loss of interest in support groups, which has led me to focus on individual therapy. This change is probably due to the current recognition that codependency is a common psychological problem, not limited to certain “different” people. Therefore, the focus is now on resolving the problem through individual therapy. With adequate psychological intervention, things are seen very differently.

If, despite recognizing that we have a problem, we do not act on it, then we will continue to be part of the problem. The dynamic of codependency is based on relentlessly boycotting true resolution. As long as you try to solve it ‘your way’, you will continue to solve it the pathology’s way. It’s time to face it and stop the cycle of suffering.

To begin specialized emotional dependency therapy online, I invite you to explore the links provided and complete the application form available here. Once received, I will contact you to schedule a session.

For more information, you can contact us by email or by phone or WhatsApp at +34 613 024 647

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